The Man - Bram Stoker

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"The Man" is a victorian novel by Bram Stoker, best known for Dracula. It is a typical gothic novel, which features horror and romance.

Squire Stephen Norman is lord of the manor in Normanstead. He is married to Margaret Rowly and desirous of an heir, but fate gives them a baby girl. Before Margaret dies shortly after giving birth, Norman promises her that he will love their daughter as much as he would have loved a son, and she asks him to name the girl Stephen.

Norman raises his daughter Stephen as a tomboy. When she is six, Norman's visiting college friend Dr. Wolf tells her about his 11-year-old son Harold. The girl asks him to bring Harold on a future visit, and the children become friends. Two years later, Dr. Wolf dies of pneumonia and Squire Norman promises to raise Harold as if he were his own son.

One time Stephen and Harold visit the graveyard of the Church of St. Stephen in Normanstead, and find the crypt unlocked...

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    Mobi, ePub
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    Mobi - Kindle; ePub - iOS, iPad, iPhone, Mac, Windows, Kobo, Nook, Android
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